Best Electric Dirt Bikes For Kids : Complete Guide Inc Prices

Finding the best electric dirt bikes for kids can be a challenge.

A good idea but there are more and more options

Relax, I’ve got you covered

I, ve done a ton of research and come up with 14 different options.

Scroll down now if you want to use my extensive buying chart.

It’s got prices, brands, battery size etc.

All the stuff you need for an informed buying choice.

By the way……… I haven’t tested these bikes nor will I pretend I have.

My recommendations are from research and previous experience as a dirt biker.

But really it gets down to what each buyer wants so even my recommendations won’t suit everyone.

Ok, lets get started

Best Electric Dirt Bikes For Kids Pin

If you can’t be bothered doing your own research I also provide some product recommendations.

Some of the bikes are available directly from Amazon and others are via the supplier or manufactures.


Electric Dirt Bike For Kids: Recommendations

Best Budget (Cheap) Option – Razor MX 350

Razor MX350

Razor MX350Pin
  • Up to 14mph (22.53 km/h) speeds
  • 30 Minutes run time
  • 24 Volt motor
  • Suits wide range of riders

The Razor MX350 electric dirt bike for kids represents value for money if you just want a basic bike for your kids to get started.

The age range for these bikes can be misleading as they are actually aimed at the monkey bike market which are small bikes that an adult can ride.

My dirt bike sizing chart says that the MX350’s seat height of 20″ would suit a rider of between 5-9 years of age.

Razors age recommendation is 14+ which can be confusing.

The maximum speed is 14mph (22.53 km/h) which is more than fast enough for beginners.

Safety feature wise these bikes are limited compared to other bikes so you would need to make sure your child understands how to ride the bike properly.

Having said that electric bikes are pretty simple to ride given they use electric motors.

If you are concerned about safety i.e. throttle control etc then maybe look at a bike that offers better safety features like the Oset 12.5.


  • Affordable
  • Nothing complicated
  • Easy to purchase via Amazon
  • Good speed of 14mph for a beginner


  • Safety features not as good as more expensive bikes
  • Durability may be an issue
  • Suspension only basic
  • Battery life may be shorter than other brands (see reviews Amazon)

Best Electric Dirt Bikes For Kids (Value Option) – Oset electric dirt bike 12.5

Oset 12.5 Eco

Oset 12.5 EcoPin
  • Low center of gravity for stability
  • On-off handlebar switch and removable key
  • 24volt 600watt motor
  • Front and rear brakes

Unlike the Razor bikes, the Oset 12.5 Eco is made for young riders aged 3-5.

It gets my tick for value based on the price point and better quality parts than cheaper options.

It also has a walking pace setting that takes the stress away for parents concerned about safety.

Oset originated in the US and based their bikes around trials bikes.

They have since moved to the U.K but the trials bike look and style continues hence the curved, low centre of gravity seat.

For young kids the seat configuration should be fine.

The idea is that trials bike riders rarely sit on the seat.

This is not a bad habit to get into for your child as it promotes good riding skills but if they don’t like the seat configuration consider a trail bike style.

The higher cost of this bike gets better quality components and a safety controller switch that allows for walking pace speed.


  • Good value considering the build quality
  • Easy to ride
  • Promotes a good riding position
  • A safe bike for young riders
  • Power adjustment as the rider develops


  • Seat style might not suit all riders
  • Not available through Amazon
  • Price still a step up from the cheaper options

Best Electric Dirt Bikes For Kids (Premium Option) – GasGas E1

GasGas E1

GasGas E1Pin
  • Programmable power output of batteries
  • Quality components and build quality
  • Looks like a traditional dirt bike
  • Excellent safety control and power management

My young son is fast approaching an age I feel that he could comfortably manage his first dirt bike.

The GasGas Enduro 1 (E1) will be my first pick for two reasons.

Safety, and its design.

It has the look of a traditional dirt bike and it has awesome safety features.

It is also the most expensive but I think the benefits outweigh the extra cost involved.

This bike has an available app that manages all the safety features such as power output or even the ability to shut the bike down.

GasGas is a well respected brand in the dirt bike world and builds quality products that have seen them on the podium many times.

The quality of this bike is excellent such as a removable lithium battery and hydraulic disc brakes front and back.

The adjustable power range is also the widest of all bikes going from 350 watts up to 1050.

This allows for speeds up to 19mph (30.58 km/h) which means the bike can adjust easily to the riders’ skill set.

Because of the build quality of this bike I would expect better resale return than its competitors.


  • Class leading safety features
  • Highly customizable with available phone app
  • Excellent build quality across all parts
  • Lithium battery out performs cheaper brands
  • The bike will adapt the easiest to rider skills


  • Expensive
  • Available through dealers only

Electric Motorcycle For Kids Buying Tips

Getting the size right

Getting the right size dirt bike for your child’s first ride can be a challenge.

I made an entire article on dirt bike sizing to assist in this matter and this would be a good place to start.

Generally, though your child should be able to rest the balls of their feet on the ground while on the bikes seat.

Height is one thing but power is also another consideration.

An under powered bike is a safer bet than getting a bike with too much power.

This will only scare your child or worst still contribute to an accident.

The good electric dirt bikes for kids have excellent power management systems that take away the fear and allow all the control with parents.

The GasGas E1 is a good example of this with a phone app that can manage all power going through the bike including the ability to turn the engine off.

The better bikes also allow for adjusting the power delivery as your child develops.

Battery Performance

When looking at buying an electric dirt bike check the battery specs.

How long does it take to charge?

How long will it last once charged?

Lithium batteries tend to be better quality than lead acid equivalents?

Check buyer reviews to see feed back on battery life quality etc.

Spending more will usually get you a better battery.

Toy Electric Dirt Bike Vs A Quality Product

If your child is young and not sure if they like the sport the toy options I think are fine.

No point spending a lot if your kid doesn’t like the sport.

You should know fairly quickly if your kid loves the sport.

If your child is getting on the bike regularly then the cheap bikes won’t last.

Time to upgrade and get something that will last but will also challenge your child’s riding ability.

Electric Dirt Bikes That Go 20+Mph

As your child develops their skills, you may want to keep them on an electric dirt bike.

Oset, Kuberg and GasGas all have bikes that are tailored for older kids.

Speeds vary but will all challenge your kids ability and continue to provide hours of fun.

For older teens and young adults KTM and Alta Motors have excellent electric dirt bikes.

I wrote an entire article on electric dirt bikes if you require more resources.

The Wash Up

Hopefully by the time you get to the end of this article you have all the resources you need to purchase your childs first electric dirt bike.

Cost is always one of the biggest considerations.

This is offset by ensuring the bike you purchase will provide hours of safe riding and is reliable.

Hopefully after studying my chart and recommendations you have come up with a short list and you are well on your way to dirt bike riding glory for your kid.

All the best!

Big Gav

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