Dirt Bike Sizing Chart : Interactive Guide

My dirt bike sizing chart is the easiest place to find the right dirt bike.

Manufacturers like Honda have so many choices these days.

I’ve spent hours collating data on all the main manufacturers to make your purchase job easier.

You can go to my interactive sizing guide below and filter by what measurement is important.

For example…….

Price, seat height, engine size, get the idea?

But…  If you need more help stick around.

Dirt Bike Sizing ChartPin


Get the seat height right

Being comfortable in the saddle is important.

When you are sitting on your bike the balls of your feet should be on the ground.

This is real important with young kids as they need to be able to support their legs when stopping.

See my chart below that has recommended seat heights by inches and also engine size.

Dirt Bike Heights For Riders By Age/Size

Dirt bike riders can enjoy different riding heights to accommodate their individual needs:


Dirt Bike Sizing Chart (Guide) Inc Prices

Once you have an idea of what size bike you need you can go to the chart and filter by bike size.

With a selection of bikes that have the size you want you can then check what engine sizes are available.

To help manage finding the right power range I have put all bikes into riding ability.

This will be either beginner or intermediate.

I haven’t included higher performance bikes as this is beyond the scope of this blog.

Sizing chart

The impact of the riders weight when selecting a dirt bike

For riders of “average weight” the recommended dirt bikes in the sizing chart will be fine.

If you have a larger build then engine performance may be an issue.

Modern dirt bike engines are much more powerful than their earlier machinations which allow for much heavier riders on the same size engine.

Test riding a bike will be a good indicator of whether a bike is suitable.

If you are buying your first bike, a slightly under powered bike is better and safer option than a bike that has power the rider cannot safely manage.

An example of this is a Suzuki DRZ-400, this is big engine bike by dirt bike standards but the DRZ’s power is easy to manage and will pull a big rider no problems (See dirt bike sizing chart for prices etc.)

What is the best dirt bike for beginners?

All the main manufacturers make dirt bikes of all sizes particularly for beginners.

Ensure you get your height right for size of the bike and engine power output.

TRAIL BIKES FOR BEGINNERS: Access here to do your own research

The dirt bike sizing guide covers off all the main manufacturers and the different configurations they offer.

Honda for example provides a wide range of bikes across all dirt bike categories.

They have traditionally been popular with beginners for their simplicity to ride and maintain.

Dirt bike sizing for kids

Sizing a dirt bike for kids is pretty much the same as adults.

It’s super important that kids can touch the ground but not be too cramped.

DIRT BIKES FOR BEGINNERS: Research the right bike

Remember that most small bikes can be power regulated.Adjust the power output as your child grows and skills increase.

What age is a 50cc bike for?

A 50cc bike is an ideal size for kids aged between 3-7.

The engine can be throttled down for the very young and new riders.

As the rider improves the throttle can be adjusted to increase performance.


In Conclusion

Getting the sizing right for your dirt bike purchase is really important.

Work out what seat height you need.

Check what bikes are available on the interactive guide.

Don’t get a bike that is overly powerful.

You won’t enjoy your riding and it might not be safe.

Go for manageable power and you will be in dirt biking heaven!

All the best.


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